Maternity Wards: Guyana

I have been watching a lot of BBC’s Call the Midwife over the past few months. Have you seen it? If not, you should really check it out. The show is about midwives in post-WWII London – I know that doesn’t sound exciting, but it’s kind of amazing. I promise. The reason I am bringing this up, is that while we were in Guyana I had the chance to spend some time in the maternity ward with the young mothers and their sweet, new babies. I felt like I was living a scene from Call the Midwife as women came into clinic and labored without use of first world medicine.

I feel so grateful to the women for allowing the crazy American woman with a camera ‘ooh and ahh’ over their newborns. Wandering through maternity wards was one of the more intimate experiences I have had while traveling. In those crowded rooms I felt so many cultural barriers were torn down as our shared experience of womanhood bonded us.

I had the honor of witnessing two births and was reminded of how incredibly miraculous it all is. I wish I could describe how it felt to meet women in such a turning point in their lives and watch them transition into motherhood, but I am feeling a loss for words. I suppose the photos will have to speak for me.

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PS – Like this post? Check out Home in Khon Kaen or Buna.

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