Friendship and Birthdays

We have been so blessed with an incredible group of friends here in DC. When we moved here almost three years ago we were overwhelmed with the idea of ‘starting over’. I had moved to new states quite a few times over the ten years prior to living in DC so I knew that making friends, getting plugged into community, and finding your way around a new city takes a lot of time and effort. I do not take community for granted and am continuously amazed by these DC friends of mine.

A couple of weeks ago our friend Jenny turned thirty. I watched her husband rally friends together, another friend offer her apartment, another cook, another decorate, another prepare dessert, etc. We enjoyed a beautiful evening under lights that made you feel as if it was almost summer and celebrated Jenny’s life together. I loved listening to Jenny’s friends, old and new, tell stories about her and just celebrate the friend she is to them. They inspire me to be a better friend. Isn’t friendship beautiful?

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