Haunted Jail Tour – Charleston, SC


Have you ever been on a Ghost Tour? We have noticed a lot of haunted, historic tours advertised around the South’s oldest cities and my family has checked a few of them out over the past few years. My parents enjoyed a few haunted tours in Savannah, GA and our family joined a haunted cemetery tour when we were in Charleston, SC over Christmas.

My aunt and cousins are here in Charleston this week visiting my parents as well so we decided to join another haunted tour this week!The haunted tour that we chose was The Haunted Jail Tour. The building was quite ominous looking and was built prior to the American Civil War. I loved all of the architectural features of the jail and was amazed to hear how many prisoners they housed there at one time throughout history! The jail is probably most famous for housing Union prisoners for the Confederate forces during the American Civil War and is said to be haunted by the soldiers. Don’t worry, we didn’t have any ghost encounters!


We were very impressed by the jail itself, but to be honest, we weren’t terribly impressed with the tour. I saw other great reviews, but I guess a tour is only as good as its guide – and ours was not overly entertaining. As a history lover, a boring tour guide is always a disappointment for me.

So, we entertained ourselves! Here are a couple of silly photos of my extended family hanging out in the jail cells and behind bars.

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And a few cuter ones as well. I am so thankful to have big families that know how to have fun!


Overall I find haunted tours to be a great way to learn about other sides of a city’s history and I love being able to go on a tour after dinner when the other tour groups have closed! However, you really are at the mercy of your tour guide – so read reviews and find a good one!


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