If We Had a Cup of Coffee…

The calendar started over 12 days ago. Dave and I were talking about this past year while sitting at the table one morning and he said, “I think 2014 was a growing year.” Another friend of mine told me a few weeks ago that 2014 was “a season of planting.” All of the above. I couldn’t agree more. I just re-read my post from last year, reflecting on 2013 and my hopes for 2014, and wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. I could literally copy and paste it, change the years, and repost it for this year. So much for change.

“Wait, wait..” you are all probably thinking. “Didn’t we just watch a year-in-review video of pretty, sun-filled shots showing how awesome your year was?” Well, yes. There were some incredible moments in 2014 and, man, are our friends and family amazing. But 2014 was also pretty hard.

This January, if we poured a steaming cup of coffee and sat down for a chat, I would tell you that I don’t have the best attitude about “planting and growing years”. Could I get a “harvest year” over here?  I have been hesitant about making goals for 2015 because I am afraid it’s going to be another “planting and growing year” or that I will be disappointed come January 2016.

I’d tell you that I spent some time on a little prayer walk in the January sunshine on Friday morning. I hopped over ice patches and puddles of melting snow and made up cheesy metaphors about freezing and melting hearts. The Lord called me out on my narrow-minded selfishness spoke to my heart and reminded me of how far we’d actually come this year. Then I came across this quote:

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going. – Beverly Sills

Cue attitude adjustment. 2015 might not end up being a ‘harvest year’ but that’s okay! I don’t really want a harvest that didn’t require hard work, right? I am usually pretty proud of being a ‘millennial’ (we’re really not that bad, promise) however, our ‘microwave’ mentality is not one of my favorite qualities. I want everything to happen quickly, but that’s not how real growth happens, is it? There is a reason Jesus used so many agrarian metaphors.

I think it takes years of planting, growing, and cultivation before one can experience any sort of harvest. I also need a whole lot of the Lord. 2015 may be another year of practicing contentment.

I have so much to be thankful for. This little life of ours may not always feel like a highlight reel, but I wouldn’t trade it. So for now it’s back to kneeling in the dirt and continuing to plant.

It’s time to make some 2015 goals.

Here’s to another year of growing, planting, and cultivation. And maybe even trusting for a little harvest. 

PS – Props if you kept up with all of my random metaphors and understood this rambling. If you didn’t, no worries, this post probably wasn’t for you.

PPS – I am liking this “if we had a cup of coffee” post for January. May have to make it a tradition.

2 thoughts on “If We Had a Cup of Coffee…”

  1. I just found your blog and love it! and I couldn’t agree with you more about being afraid this will be another sewing and planting year. But here’s to bravely moving forward and hoping that when harvest time comes, there will be MUCH to reap!

    • Ariel, you are too sweet. So glad you identified with this. I hopped on over to your blog and I just love your heart! May the Lord bless you in unprecedented and miraculous ways this year.


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