Your best camera is the one thats with you

Hello all.

26 months after getting married, Dave and I are finally getting a blog up. Instead of writing a long post about our lives over the past two years, I have opted to share photos taken on my beloved phone camera. I love to look back through the albums on my phone at the little pieces of life that I chose to document. It amazes me how quickly we can can lose memories and how easily a snapshot triggers them. Most of the photos below were either taken for my instagram app or sent to my mother via text message to keep her updated on our life. So through the lens of my phone, as told to my mother, here is our life since moving to Washington, DC last June.

We packed up our tiny apartment in the middle of Indiana and drove across the country with our lives in a Uhaul. Of course, we played with our GoPro camera to keep ourselves entertained for the long drive.

We started off our life in the nation’s capital with important things like shopping in Georgetown, cupcakes, and Fourth of July fireworks.

I learned the art of public transportation, found a great Korean restaurant within walking distance, and Dave bought me my first film camera.

Winter came, we warmed up at our favorite  coffee shops, and spring covered the city in cherry blossoms.

And here we are again, our second summer in the District has been filled with friends and any excuse to be outside, enjoying the weather.

Looking back over the past year I cannot help but feel so blessed. These photographs are just a glimpse of what the year brought and I am looking forward to more years here in DC. We are so grateful for the friends we have made and the opportunities we have been given. We cannot wait to continue sharing our lives with you.



1 thought on “Your best camera is the one thats with you”

  1. These pictures make me want to move to DC!! So fun! Miss you!!!! Have a safe trip to Africa. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. Much love!!!


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