It’s Time to Build


‘Separating life into distinct categories of “sacred” and “secular” damages, sometime irreparably, any attempt to live a whole and satisfying life, a coherent life with meaning and purpose, a life lived to the glory of God…Work by its very nature is holy’

That lovely little tidbit is from the introduction section for the book of Nehemiah in my Bible, the book that inspired the theme “It’s Time to Build” at the Influence Conference. I must confess that I do not typically read the introductions in my Bible, but for some reason I did this week, and it spoke to me. Every bit of our lives is sacred.

We don’t get to compartmentalize our lives – our waking, our sleeping, our work is all an act of worship. If we truly believe that the gospel is a living, breathing thing, it should be all-consuming, right? Our personal and professional lives should be overwhelmed and overflowing with gospel-themes, because it has so saturated our lives, it cannot help but spill over.

Honestly, I believe that the less time I spend with God, the less I live the gospel. At the Influence Conference I was reminded by the sweet, Haley Morgan, that I need to be preaching the gospel to myself daily. I was also reminded by the fiery Jessi Connolly that if I am overwhelmed by questions about my life direction, my purpose, etc, I am not spending enough time with God. (that one really hit me hard) We don’t have to spend time with God. We get to.

I learned so much at the Influence Conference, but more than learning, I was inspired and loved by so many incredible women of faith. I am sure I will be dwelling and chewing on the teaching I received for weeks to come, and some of it will probably spill over on to this little blog of mine. After taking a break from blogging for a few weeks, I am home now with stacks of business cards, about 50 new blogs to follow, and a really full and rejuvenated heart.


The story of Nehemiah is an beautiful picture of how God uses ordinary laborers, cup bearers, and masons to literally build his kingdom. I highly recommend giving it a read. For now, I am working on my own foundation by getting into the presence of God more, reminding myself that my work is sacred, and preaching the gospel to myself. (God knows I need it)

It’s time to build.

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